Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Days 26 to 33

Last week was taken up by traveling and conferences, all work-related. Managed to snap a photo on every day but one...with mixed results. I suppose this is what the challenge is all about.

I nearly missed last Sunday's photo as twilight dissipated into darkness on our family walk. Then Megan pointed out this odd arrangement of wires. Is it a lemon, or a cartoon character learning to fly a kite?

The 11th street bridges, Tulsa

Wichita, Kansas

Wichita, Kansas

Spiritual Life Center, Wichita, Kansas
This is from a Friday night run. This is a typical view of Sophie in the stroller these days: kicking her feet around and waving at pretty much everyone we pass.

No photos for Saturday, day 32. Indoors at a conference ALL DAY.

Finally, from a long run on Saturday morning:

Friday, August 16, 2013

Sacred Ground (Day 23)

We've had some incredibly mild weather here in the last week. It was 60 degrees on Thursday morning as I went out for a quick loop on Turkey.

There is an awesome trail just to the East of the powerline clear-cut.  It stays in the woods for most of its journey North, skirting the edge of two tiny ponds on the way. The terrain is fairly technical with lots of little ups and downs to keep things interesting. On its Northern end, the trail briefly ventures out into the powerline clearing before it ducks back into the woods.

It was here that I noticed what looked like golf balls littered all over the trail. Hundreds of them. For whatever reason, the conditions were just right on this hard packed trail to support a massive colony of puffball mushrooms. They were so new that the mountain bikers hadn't got around to crushing them yet. I reverently tip-toed around them until I was in the clear. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

A wonderful anomaly (Day 22)

On Wednesday evening I went for my usual run over to the Brridge with some extra pep in my gait. With the Arkansas rolling at 50, 000 cfs, I knew the area around the low- water dam would be a sight not to miss.

And wow, it did not disappoint! About half the town was out to marvel at the the giant curler waves and frenzy of  whitewater below us. There was a deafening roar only matched by the same river somewhere North of Buena Vista. Apparently the river hasn't been this high is several years.

Mr. Mayor, if you read my blog, why not declare a city- wide holiday? I mean, with all the negative news in our city of late, don't we need to celebrate something this awe- inspiring?

surf's up!

And I'll go ahead and break my one photo a day rule because the sunset was just too sweet to file away.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Days 19, 20 and 21

Slim pickings these last few days. Tonight I got out for a run after sundown and about all I could do was point the camera up...

Tulsa Riverparks

21st Street Bridge, Tulsa

Tulsa Riverparks

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Days 17 and 18

Well there was a picture for day 16, but I've misplaced the data card.

Before we left Massachusetts, Mom gave me her Kodak Z981 that she wasn't using anymore. Its been a blast to play with; the zoom lens and higher dynamic range opens up new possibilities in familiar places. Its too big and clunky for trail running, but I can carry it in the stroller or my seat pack on the bike.

Day 15

A family cemetery in Westport

Day 14

Somerset, MA

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Day 9

This is the best I could do after a long day of flying across the country with a one- year- old. Buzzard's Bay Brewing, formerly Just Beer, is a small brewery out of my hometown. It's a hit or a miss with these guys, and this floral IPA is definitely a hit.


Day 8

Riverside tunnel